Step 1
Fitting the Device
When to Fit the Device:

Begin Froggymouth treatment as early as possible, but take the time to thoroughly explain the importance of the Froggymouth treatment to the patient and ensure they understand how to use the device properly. Patient cooperation is essential for successful outcomes.

Explanation and Fitting Process:

Explain functional rehabilitation to the patient and parents, then review the "Wearing Instructions."

  1. Ask the patient to sit down, ensuring that their head is not tilted forward.
  2. Place the Froggymouth between the patient's lips, ensuring that they do not put their teeth inside the tray.
  3. Gently move the Froggymouth to confirm it is properly positioned and can remain securely between the patient's lips without requiring them to contract their lips.

Let the patient adjust, then observe their spontaneous swallowing process.

Wearing Instructions
Video Tutorial
Peristaltic Movement of the Tongue
Video Tutorial

The Froggymouth is now correctly positioned between the lips. Allow the patient some time to get used to the device in their mouth, and then ask them to swallow their saliva. There is no need to explain what constitutes good or bad swallowing; the goal is simply to observe how they proceed.

With the Froggymouth in place, does the patient swallow their saliva with their teeth in occlusion and using a peristaltic movement of the tongue?
No, not yet